
The Global Wader registry currently includes 98 studies, providing a total of 27,219,774 locations from 2,763 individuals of 35 species.
The map below summarises the wader tracking data currently in the Global Wader registry. Three layers can be selected using the icon at the top-left:
  • Daily locations: the total number of points in each grid cell, up to a maximum of 1 point per individual per day.
  • Individuals: the number of birds recorded in each cell (in rare occasions some birds may be duplicated, where the same individual has been tracked by multiple projects).
  • Species: the total number of species tracked in each cell.
Click here for high-resolution map (may be slow)


The Global Wader registry provides a brief summary of each participating study and a link to it, where applicable.
The registry shows:
  • Movebank ID: The ID number of the study on Movebank (where applicable).
  • Study name: A short description of the study (usually the same as on Movebank).
  • Species: Species tracked by the study.
  • Number of individuals: Total number of unique individuals tracked by this study (in some cases, the same individual may have been tracked in several studies).
  • Number of locations: Total number of data points collected during tag deployments (excluding: data points before the tag was fitted, after it was removed, any mortality events and marked as outliers).
  • Tag type: Types of tags used in the study.
  • First year: First year of locations collected by the study.
  • Last year: Last year of locations collected by the study.
  • Licence: The terms and conditions for using the data - those beginning with CC are Open Access licences; in other cases, a specific agreement with the data owner may be required before data can be viewed or used.
  • Principal investigator: The person identified as lead investigator of the study (typically via their Movebank account, in which case the user name is given outside parenthesis).
  • URL: The web address of the study.
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header photo by Verónica Méndez